DIVE 2 and LIN a/k/a QUIK RTW. Every
member of RTW held their weight on every Subway line through out the city
and QUIK was of the premier bombers of the group taking over so many
Subway lines through out the years. QUIK , IZ and MIN are considered three
of the all time kings of Graff. |

SE 3 a/k/a HAZE
and JO a/k/a ZEPHYR early 80's. HAZE is agreed by many on having the best
looking throwies on the subways. HAZE started writing on the upper west
under the name SE 3. ZEPHYR at times took on a the three letter name
JOI which is the French spelling for JOY. ZEPHYR's JOI throw style
seemed to be inspired by OI also known as HURST from the TOP crew.

:I started The Rolling Thunder Writers (RTW.) in 1976. The name was
inspired by the Native American Healer: Rolling Thunder. My older sister
Andrea used to work for the American Indian Movement (A.I.M.), and she had
a book about him. I was also one of the founding members of The Vamp Squad
(TVS.) along with T.KID-170, RIN-1, SHOCK-123, MIN-ONE, and WAR-1.
In 1981 or 1982 I stopped writing and handed the group to Min a/k/a Ne and
he along with Quik helped to made RTW a house hold name for years.
Bilrock was my dog from back in the day, and was dude that had heart and
always down to bomb!

QK a/k/a Quik, MIN, SH a/k/a SACH
and PD a/k/a PADE taking over the A line in 1983. RTW in the 1980's
had a tight hold on the A'a and CC lines during the early 1980's.

taking a hold on the Brooklyn J-line 1983.
BILROCK : PADE was a loyal member to the
RTW course.

BILROCK : Writers have
always done throw up's, but back in the 1970's they didn't call them throw
ups they were basically doing a quick piecing style they used to get up a
large amount number of pieces on the trains. In the early days you could
not rely on two or three pieces being seen on the trains to get noticed.
That didn't cut it! There was so much competition on the Subways in the
70's that one had to rely on the throw up. Once IN came up with the two
letter throw up the game was change forever . The RTW crew kept the throw
up as a essential force to owr arsenal. The throw up is here to stay! |

BILROCK : Tee to Bee done
at City Hall lay-up ( RR / N ) in 1979. This had a dedication down to the
bottom left (can't see) which was for Detective Rodan, and Detective
Wasserman of the N.Y.C.T.P.D Queens /Anti-Graf squad. They were hot after
RTW at the time for all the bombing we were doing on various Queens lines.
It also said; "I was here...where were you?"

got my style of throw up's from my good friend and mentor SIKE who happen to
be the king of the J's in 1977. I'm down with so many groups such as
M.O.D ( Which I made up ), TMB, SSB, TOP, RIS, and RTW, as well as being
given vice prez of The T.M.B Crew thanks to my good friend the
Master Blaster himself IZ THE WIZ. When I put up RTW
I put it up with pride.


SPAR / LED : I feel
looking at MIN style of throwies he took his ideas from old school writers
TEE ( for the use Similar of his E's ) and TI 149 for the use of the I's
he rocked on the Subways. TEE & TI 149 were former All City kings who
mastered the use of the throw up. MIN and many others like him fallowed
their path for fame and modeled themselves after two letters kings like
IN, DY 167, IO and TI 149. MIN was one of the last true city wide kings
who peaked as a writer in the 1980's coving the Subways during the time of
M.T.A's the heavy buff but he seemed to be a step ahead of them. Like many
of the early kings before him MIN's throw up's insides and were seen on
every Subway line and did his share of colorful Burners, and top
bottoms whole with some of the best writers of his time like T-KID 170,
KEL 1st and SHY 147. MIN paid his dues and then some |

JL a/k/a BOE killed
the B.M.T's and I.N.D's in Brooklyn was part of the wow crew. RTW and The
WOW crew partnered up in the early 80's which made the RTW crew
unstoppable on all the Brooklyn lines. In this photo BOE does a miniature
JL throwie over his rival OT a consistent bomber on the B's, D's and RR's.
Photo taken in 1986. |

BOE's two
throw up name "JL", stood for JULY 4th perhaps a name he choose which could
have been his favorite time of the year. BOE stayed dedicated to
bombing the B.M.T's through out the 1980's keeping RTW on top for many
years. Other writers in this photo are OD 1 -bts from Brooklyn and Queens
writer DASH -BFB ( Rest In Peace ).

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

SN a/k/a SICK NICK of the
writing group the Super Squad.
one the first writers I met when I and my boys started our All City
rampage. I met him while I was with my boy HUGHIE who happen to be
originally from Brooklyn. SN and I hit it off and through him I met his

OE 3' (
OLD ENGLISH ) classic throw up style, one of the very best in the biz.
BILROCK : OE was another member of
RTW once we moved on to the B.M.T's. OE was a cool dude and was always down
to bomb. DELK : OE is one of the most over looked
writer in history. This guy bombed every line during his peak years of
activity . I met OE once with SES on a double R train. SES pointed him
out to me who happen to be on the front car looking out the front window of
the subway car perhaps looking out for lay up's. Once we got to speak
to him he came off kind of shy, where me and SES did more of the
talking. RCA : OE 3 and P 13 (R.I.P ) are the first writers to
go on an All City bombing spree.

KR.ONE kick things off right at 5 points in Queens
New York for 2010. ©Subwayoutlaws.com

More on BILROCK and the Rolling thunder writers check out our interview with
with BILROCK 161 by clicking on this link ...
PREZ. . We would like to thank BILROCK 161 / SAGE and KR
for making this page possible, Photo credits go to SAR 1, BILROCK 161, REVOLT, ZEPHYR,
www.at149st.com , and the team at Subwayoutlaws.com.
Looks for Bio's of other RTW members, in
the near future.
in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Copyright ©
Subway outlaws.com 2010.
Should any one have photos of BILROCK's work or any of the other RTW
members, or should have any Questions Please contact us at
Check out our updates in the
Interview section as well as the HOT 110 section and Tag section. We
would like to give a special thanks to the TSS crew ( THE SUPER SQUAD ) as
well as D.R REVOLT. Please Check out the New book every one is talking
about, click on this link
".. and find out all
about it