Started : 1972
Alias : THE KID.
AREA : Forest Hills
Writing Groups :
The Rebels. SSB , MAFIA
Main lines : EEs,
E &F's, GG's, M's, N's, RR's, 7's.
You can contact
Dime at ....
I started writing with three dudes I went
to Junior High School with, This was 1972. A private school no less,
Called Rhodes in Manhattan when it was @ 11w54st.The three guys came
from Brooklyn or the Bronx. MOON-1, CLOUD-9 and JOE-2.. These guys were a
trip before I started tripping, always messing around together. I was
writing the Name THE KID which I would place a little man at the side like STAY-HIGH 149's famous smoker.

I started checking out the art style of
it. Back then it was the bubble letters and basic lettering but with
that left tilt to it. As a lefty would write. I thought that was cool. It
made the letters look as though they were strutting or trucking. It was
back then with Eddie Kendricks "Keep on Trucking" days...We basically wrote in
our books on the tables and of course the chalk board with the chalk
turned sideways for the uni look. Then the markers came into play when we
learned of Pearl Paints.

DIME.139 in action.
That's when we started to write in the subways
especially in between cars. I will never forget a uni tag by LA- ZAR @ 5th
av. So of course we had to do the same. Taking out a key to release the
chain on the slants to tag up on the tunnel walls to see it ever proudly
from the platform. I also wrote on the back window's of the Q-11 buses
that ran down Woodhaven Blvd. With my brother NIJI. I started
hanging out in the city @ central parks band shell where everyone tagged
FDT 56 and LSD had all the boats and I basically just tagged the benches
and construction walls.

Toy stuff but it was cool...I rode and started to
live in the subways later on riding the EE and GG's to the last stop and
staying on till it went into the tunnel. And waited till the engineer
walked to the other side to bring it back and just destroyed the insides.
Occasionally we would jump down and hit the outside. But they turned them
around so fast you couldn't do much. It was not till I met up with
7- UP and LIP-75 I think it was his number at the time, at
continental av. thats when I really knew what writing was all about. For
at that time KILLER, SUPER STRUT TASS and PISTOL were up on that
line. I showed 7UP my name on the inside and he told me I wasn't getting
all I could out of the marker and showed me how to use it properly. He told
me about the lay ups @ parsons on the weekends and basically talked
graffiti. He was cool. For I was just this little punk kid but he gave me
the time of day..Telling me to slow down that I was rushing my tags
and needed to flood the marker more. OK live and learn and I did! And met
some good people along the way. OK their were some rip off artists along
the way, but that's when HOT 110 came into play! The more I hung the
more I learned and the more people I met the more I got up. And that
basically was the beginnings to my writing days.

DIME 139 displaying the tools of
the trade.
It was the years from 73 to 75 that it
became DIME...time ONE THREE NINE...I went to Art & Design High School
meeting many writers that were all artist..From the likes
of BOMB-ONE / DON-ONE Mafia.../ SHADOW / AIM / ADD / TROUBLE and my
man DEFIE!!! He had some hard core Bronx style. The long letters starting
small to large..I will never forget taking him to Flushing Meadows
Corona yards. He took over..Back then it had a small rusted out.. 4
foot fence, which was a joke, in comparison to today's double fenced razor
wired fortresses with look out towers...I think we got to them!! We
bombed the outsides of all Ding Dongs. That is also where I did allot of
my work along the fence. That is where they had the "EE" and
"GG"...I lived so close that I walked there and did allot
of my pieces by myself.

Bronx writer with great hand style who would rock the train lines in the
I had no one to get me busted. I did
like to piece with STOE R.I.P. for he went his way and I went mine.. He was
a COOL dude! Latter on I started writing with the big boys from IZ THE WIZ
/ VINNY / SHORTY-13 / DUKE-9 I can go on and on. I remember one
momentous night that everyone that was everyone met at Sutphtin Blvd.
LAY UPS!!! There were a good 20 writers going down the tunnel. UNCLE JOHN
/ DUKE / DOC STAM / LIL SOUL, I mean everyone showed up this
night. We sent two guys into the tunnel threw the station to open up the
grate from the street and we all climbed down raring to go. I tripped and
sprained my dam elbow carrying all that paint and following everyone. But
it all turned out well. For that was the night I introduced the "CAN
MAN" to the "F" line on the slants.. I made it!!! After that everyone
had there own version of it.
"NOW TO GET OUT"...I left with about three
other dudes and by dam luck just as we opened the street hatch a MTA
patrol car was just coming down the road. The three flew back
down the hole and I ran out thru the streets with the cops on my trail. I
lost them in traffic with my arm hurting like heck. I found out latter the
other dudes got popped at the station!!!!Full of paint and all having
flash lights...How do you talk your way out of that? That was most
definitely a memorable night.

FLIP and DIME.139 getting busy in
the E and F yard.
I had many!!! Another great time was when
I met CAINE-ONE and ROGER at the 7 yards to do the "FREEDOM
TRAIN"...We did every single car.. ALL 11 of them TOP TO
BOTTOMS with a flag as the background, to come out on the Bicentennial
forth of July..1976. Mohammed Ali was fighting a wrestler at Shea Stadium
so the cops were busy with that while we pieced our hearts out. CLASSIC
stuff!!! The following day as the trains dried and the sun came up the
high brass of the MTA were so embarrassed they pulled the train from
service and broke up all the cars. Many of them went straight to the
buffer. Mine and CAINE'S ran, for I got pictures of them, and even they
were pulled apart. For the windows were scraped. The story went that
everyone got busted. But let me lay that rumor to rest.. NO ONE got

They knew who we all were. And tried to get it out of us. I
although got nabbed taking pictures the next day. Two D.T's wanted to
know what I was taking pictures of. I told them very naively that, it was
rumored that "some guys were graffiti-ing a whole train for the
fourth of July, officers"!!! They came to my house to read me my
rights three days later...But they had nothing!!! They told me they had
CAINE locked up. That's when I knew they were bluffing. For I just got off
the phone with him.. It was a nice try!!!!
Not many people knew that I did the
Graffiti back ground for the movie the "THE WIZ". It was something
I fell into and it is not a big story... How it went was that FLIP found
out that they were filming "The Wiz" staring Michael Jackson and
Diana Ross in Flushing Meadows Park, where the old Worlds Fair grounds
were. So we went down there basically to take pictures.. When we got there
we had our Black Books and cameras in hand and asked them if we could tag
up, for we were wrote. (After seeing our books that was clear) We had
the producer and a bunch of others all around us and thought it
would be COOL!!! So they basically gave us free rain on the set to do what
we wanted.

DIME 139 : In
the film The Wiz ... instead of calling the set the Emerald city,
they would change the name to the Graffiti city.
Unfortunately they only wanted
fictitious names... They already had the main set design put together.
Hey I was 16-17 we just wanted to get in. So in our minds
we made out, and they did too.. We had a blaaaast.... They took our names
but never put them in the final credits as I am aware, under Scenic
Decoration / Design... But I can say I was involved!!!!! and that was good
enough for me at the time... I didn't have many pieces but the
I had I made them count... 29 years latter I still feel that
night. Great Memories. And as life has it It all is coming back with all
these Web Sites on Graffiti. I tried my best to document those years with
pictures and a great Black Book collection. And to put the icing on the
cake I just got back with IZ THE WIZ...for he moved 45 minutes away
from me. So the story is not over.....There is more to come!!!

FLIP and MOP1 out side the E and GG's along the fence at the Corona yards
with a CLEAN car and NO paint....