Started: 1977
lines: All City.
: N.Y.C
I first started
writing in 1977 in Manhattan. I wrote ZEUS at that time just a toy tagging up
around my neighborhood with a “ EL MARKO” I use to see a lot of graff on the
IRT's and IND's. I really admired JESTER’s work. He had unbelievable tag style
and BOMBED!!! That was in the days before the buff and every time I rode the
train I saw his shit. I remember seeing a clean car that FUZZ ONE had caught and
destroyed! I didn’t know how he had done it. In those days I used to take
moving tags in the last car. I didn’t know where the yards were.
By 1979 I was seeing pieces
on the IRT’s by LEE that blow my mind. I remember there was this T to B LEE
with this green dragon on the 2 train that pulled into the station. I would take
the train to every stop to check out this piece when I got to the other end to
check out the dragon, the conductor stuck his head out the window and said “
It’s fantastic ain’t it!” I looked at him and said “Damned straight!”
I was hanging out with REGAL RTW in 1979 when I first did insides on a train I wrote 2RUF. We had pentel markers, a uniwide, and set up cheap skeleton keys that I had filed down. We use to pin out the nob’s on the pentels and fill them up with flomaster ink so they would drip big time. We use to call them “geebing “. At the time the insides the insides of the ones where pretty much trashed. You needed a marker like that to go over other writers and make it hard for them to go over you. In spring of 1979 I met BILROCK 161 aka SAGE , prez of the Rolling thunder Writers. I used to hang out at BILROCK’s and look at his photo album he had shots of some incredible burners. I was used to running down the platform trying to take a mental snapshot of pieces. Now I could look at pieces by DONDI , NOC167, PART , FUZZ ONE , KEL , SHY147 (RIP), FED2, TRACY168 , T-KID, TEAM. The first time I did a piece on the outside of a train was at the 1 yard at Van Cortlandt park. I originally intended to hit the 1 tunnel at 145st and Broadway but there were dozens of work bums there. It was Saturday afternoon but I was dying to paint so I went to the yard in broad daylight. First they pulled out the train I was piecing on so I had to move down a row and start again. I went to the 1 tunnel with my homeboy REGAL and did a windows down, QUIK RTW showed up by himself and went and did a windows down whole car a few cars away from us.
Writers used to come from all five boroughs and knock on BILROCK’s
window which was on the street level. BILROCK was at the end of his writing
career at the time but I did go writing with him a bunch of times . One night we
did a piece at the CC yard with MOOSE106 and T-KID170 and I think maybe BOOZER.
By that time I was writing PADE. We
also went bombing with KB and KN to the bmt’s. By this time BILROCK passed the
RTW crew down to MIN aka NE . I started hanging out with MIN a lot he got me in
to throw up’s and started doing PD throw up’s which are the predominate
letters in PADE.
I wrote for a lot of crews,
RTW, TVS, TD , WOW , TMB , TNS , ROC , TB , UA , RSC, FRESH KIDDS. I hit yards
and lay-ups in every borough and many places that writers were afraid to hit.
Grant lay-ups on the A train was pretty hot with the cops and I had to ride way
out to East New York (from manhattan) with a big bag of paint. One time me MIN
and BYE (RIP) got popped by a hot dog cop when we were almost to our stop. We
ended up handcuffed together to the railing at Euclid ave. When he got us out of
sight he punched MIN in the mouth really hard. A lieutenant came down to look at
us. We said we were going to
IZ THE WIZ’S house,
because he lived nearby, to paint canvases. They gave us summonses for carrying
spray paint on the train. I had always heard of how hot city hall lay-up on the
RR line was. It was supposedly stupid to even try to hit it. “ That spot
become our shit!” I knew so many ways to get out of there that I felt as safe
as in my own crib! The AA yard at 175th was also my home away from
home. MIN would get back home at 4am,Then we would charge over to 175th
street and open the exit hatch from the street and go down stairs to bomb. the
bridge was anther spot we would go in the middle of the day. We would go after
morning rush hour walk down the stairs to East Broadway and get Chinese Food.
The E line truly was hot
and I have been chased and raided hitting the E and F trains about 50% of the
time both in the yard and on Sutphin. When I think of all of the yards and
lay-ups I bombed I know that I killed shit! I hit RR’s, M’s, J’s, LL’s,
D’s, AA’s , CC’s, E’s and F’s , 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , and the train
to the plane in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx . My only regret is
that my efforts were unfocused. If I had had stuck to one, two , three , even
four lines I might have gotten a little more fame. The only line I never bombed
was the 7 line.
The only writer that
was all city to me was JESTER. Being that I was MIN1’s partner I had war with
everyone. At that time war necessary to keep writers real, and Protect our
lay-up’s from becoming brunt, and discourage toys. Nothing personal to anyone
I robbed, punched back in the day. I would like to give some advice to
youngsters out there today. Learn
your history about writers before you and where it comes from. The transit
Authority did their best to erase my work and of my homeboys and countless
others. Don’t let the origins of an amazing art from be forgotten. Also if
anyone has any pictures of my shit I would appreciate having it.
Peace to all my home
BOE , KEL139, MARE139 , SAGO, SEEN ,
SHOCK123, RIN1, HAZE aka
Rest in Peace >>> SHY147, EL3, BYE .
any one have any of PADE's work or any of the members of the RTW crew please
contact us
Photo credits go to PADE.